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The Australian Psychological Society 2021-2022 Recommended Schedule of Fees has set the standard 46-60 minute consultation at $267.  Providing an affordable service is important so Everykid Psychology fees are set below this recommendation.

Counselling/Consultation Services

Consultation 50mins


Telehealth Consultation




Mobile Consultation/ Attendance at off-site meeting



 $185/hour or part thereof


$120/hour or part thereof



Educational assessment

Full cognitive assessment


Additional assessments for diagnosis of ADHD, Dyslexia, Anxiety, Depression, Autism etc 




 $300 each test



Full Assessment includes; 1 hour Developmental Interview,  2 hours face to face Testing,Teacher interview, Scoring/Report writing and 1 hour Feedback Session.

Eftpos available

If unable to make your appointment, 24 hours notice is required to avoid cancellation fees.

Prices and Rebates


like to access a rebate;


The Medicare Rebate of $88.25 (clinic appointments) or $105.30 (mobile

appointments and meetings off-site such as at your child’s school) can be claimed

if you have a referral from your GP.  This will be in the form of a Mental Health Plan . 

The Medicare rebate makes accessing a Psychologist more affordable. 

You are entitled to up to 10 sessions per calendar year.


To access the Medicare Rebate, you will need to make an appointment with a GP. 

It is recommended to book a longer consultation with your GP so they have adequate time to write up the plan with you.  Your GP will give you a document called a Mental Health Plan and a letter of referral which entitles you to Medicare Rebates.  All you need to do is bring these documents to your first appointment with EveryKid Psychology.

For further information follow the links to or


Private Health Funds

If you have extras cover you will be able to claim a rebate from your Private Health Fund.  As the rebate varies depending on your level of cover, please call your Health Provider for more information. Most funds provide a 60-80% rebate on fees to psychologists.

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